집단지성과 빅데이터를 활용한 딥러닝 기반의 작물 병해충 예측

웹 애플리케이션 기반의 빅데이터 분석 시스템 구현에 관한 연구

SW중심대학 개방형 온라인 강의 – 자바심화
혁신선도대학 개방형 온라인 강의 – 빅데이터플랫폼
그 외 다수 특강 

1. [SCIE] A Study on Pest Diagnosis System Based on Deep Learning Using Collective Intelligence : IJEEE
2. [SCOPUS] Web Application-based RDBMS Data Collection Framework Modeling : International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
3. [SCOPUS] A Research on Constructing Consumption Pattern Analysis System through Purchase Records : International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
4. [SCOPUS] A Research on Constructing Consumption Pattern Analysis System through Purchase Records : Indian Journal of Science and Technology
5. [SCOPUS] Implementation of Kendo Attack Predictive System Using Markov Chain : International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
6. [SCOPUS] A Study on Web-based Real-time Greenhouse Crops Pest Diagnosis System using Artificial Intelligence : International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
7. [SCOPUS]  Taxation Judgment Prediction Model Based on BiLSTM and Word2Vec Techniques : American Scientific Publishers

[국내 학술 논문 발표]
제1저자,  단독
[KCI] CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) 알고리즘을 활용한 음성신호 중 비음성 구간 탐지 모델 연구
[KCI] 오프라인 마켓에 적용 가능한 빅데이터 분석 시스템 구축 : 한국디지털정책학회
[KCI] 조세심판 문서 검색 효율 향상 모델에 관한 연구 : 한국융합학회
[KCI] Study on bubble detection sensor for safe sap and blood injection : 한국컴퓨터정보학회

7. (우수논문상) Purchase History-based Individual Economic Indicator Analysis System : The 6th International Conference on Convergence Technology 2016
8. (우수논문상)[한국컴퓨터정보학회] IoT 환경에서 스트리밍 기반의 비정형 데이터 수집 프레임워크 설계
9. (우수논문상) A Study on Pest Prediction System based on Web using Artificial Intellegence : The 8th International Conference on Convergence Technology in 2018
10. (우수논문상) Judgment Result Prediction Model Utilizing Word2Vec and BiLSTM Method : The 10th International Conference on Convergence Technology in 2020
11. Artificial Intelligence based Pest Diagnosis System Modeling : The 5th International Conference on Small & Medium Business
12. A Study on attack prediction model for enhancing Kendo athletic performance : The 7th International Conference on Convergence Technology 2017
13. Configuration of Virtual Simulation Environment for Servomotor Education : The 7th International Conference for Small & Medium Business in 2021.